Salesforce and CTI Integration: Enhancing Customer Interactions?.

Customer service teams rely heavily on phone interactions to resolve issues, provide support, and engage with clients. Integrating Salesforce with Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) helps streamline these interactions by enabling seamless connectivity between your phone systems and Salesforce. This integration improves customer service efficiency, provides a 360-degree view of client interactions, and boosts productivity. This […]

Redefining School Efficiency with Scideas Solutions’ ERP Brilliance?.

Schools are always looking for creative ways to improve student learning outcomes, expedite administrative procedures, and provide a positive work environment for teachers in the ever-changing field of education. Leading the way with its innovative School ERP system, Scideas Solutions Private Limited is tailored to the ever-changing demands of contemporary educational establishments. This article explores

Does CRM help with Business Development?

Organizations habitually use ‘business development’ to portray the business work—explicitly the demonstration of building the pipeline. A few organizations make business improvement groups with the communicated mission of expanding exposure and developing association openings. Still, others think of it as an activities group that underpins continuous item or administration advancement and conveyance.  Business Development is

Workflow Automation for your Sales Pipeline

  Sales pipeline: The sales pipeline is the perception of the stream and volume of an organization’s income openings (AKA expected deals) in a given period. The essential capacity is to give a preview of key deals components, for example, The number of open arrangements/openings, just as their individual and total money related qualities. The

How to Install NPSP in Salesforce and it’s Benefits

How to Install NPSP in Salesforce and it’s Benefits Here is the article which provides information regarding the NPSP and how to Set Up NPSP in Salesforce. NPSP: The Nonprofit Success Pack(formerly known as Nonprofit Starter Pack) is a set of managed packages developed and maintained by It allows nonprofits to better manage some

Check daily limit in Salesforce org

Check daily limit in Salesforce org Workbench will be used to track the daily limits of a salesforce org. 1. Logged into the organization where you want to verify your limits. 2. Open workbench. URL: 3. Accept any OAuth prompts to complete authentication 4. Go to REST Explorer. 5. From the options presented select:

Apex to transfer Image

Salesforce apex to send image file to 3rd party using REST API

Salesforce apex to send image file to 3rd party using REST API //attObj is an Object of Attachment object for which values will be coming from Visualforce page. //Attachment attObj = new attachment(); public pagereference customsave(){ String fileName =; Blob file_body = attObj.body; String targetURL = system.label.ImageUploadEndPointURL; //API End point URL String boundary =

Import date/datetime field with correct date/time value using data loader.

Users always face issue in importing date or datetime fields in salesforce. Sometime they face format issue or increase/decrease in date and time after importing the record. Best way to get the valid format is to take export of any existing record containing date time value. Possible formats are: YYYY-MM-DD — For date only YYYY-MM-DD

Create debug log in salesforce for communities

To Create debug log in salesforce for communities, follow below steps: Open the url in browser. Then, open the browser’s console. document.cookie=”debug_logs=debug_logs;”; If you are using domain. If using Custom domain use (copy and paste in devTool console of browser) document.cookie=”debug_logs=debug_logs;”; Create debug log in salesforce using community user. To identify community user

Upgrade Angular cli

To upgrade Angular cli run below 3 commands: npm uninstall -g angular-cli npm uninstall -g @angular/cli npm cache clean npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

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