
Check daily limit in Salesforce org

Check daily limit in Salesforce org Workbench will be used to track the daily limits of a salesforce org. 1. Logged into the organization where you want to verify your limits. 2. Open workbench. URL: https://workbench.developerforce.com 3. Accept any OAuth prompts to complete authentication 4. Go to REST Explorer. 5. From the options presented select: […]

Apex to transfer Image

Salesforce apex to send image file to 3rd party using REST API

Salesforce apex to send image file to 3rd party using REST API //attObj is an Object of Attachment object for which values will be coming from Visualforce page. //Attachment attObj = new attachment(); public pagereference customsave(){ String fileName = attObj.name; Blob file_body = attObj.body; String targetURL = system.label.ImageUploadEndPointURL; //API End point URL String boundary =

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