Salesforce Marketing Cloud Summer ‘22 Release Highlights

Before we jump into it, we wanted to point out the key theme we are continuing to see: enhancements that allow for greater cross-collaboration use cases. The lines between studio, platform, and cloud are blurring more than ever. Now on with the show…

Einstein: Engagement Frequency ‘What-If’ Analyzer

Users will now be able to clearly see how saturated contacts are within a business unit based on engagement data. It’s no longer a guessing game or trying to compare yourself against industry benchmarks and best practices.

The goal of Einstein Engagement Frequency ‘What If’ Analyzer is to help you better plan for your upcoming campaigns and more specifically, can help you decide how many message activities to add to each of the paths and Einstein Frequency Split Activity within Journey Builder.

Key Benefits Include 

  • Greater visibility into frequency performance:  grouped by on-target, over-saturated and undersaturated, you can now segment and target based upon these groupings. Pull back on recipients who may be experiencing email fatigue, ramp up on those who are not getting enough communications, and stay the course with those who are on target. The end goal should be to have the majority of your contacts in the on-target grouping.
  • Visually test multiple message frequency scenarios: instead of testing scenarios in the wild and coming to learn potential negative outcomes that are too late to be course-corrected, you can view possible outcomes on how additional messages will affect your engagement over time through the power of AI. It’s like a crystal ball into the future!
  • Personalization: Triggered Campaign Messages

    Combining Marketing Cloud Personalization (Interaction Studio) with the outbound communication engine of Journey Builder, users are now able to easily deliver personalized, relevant messages across numerous channels based on deep, contextual customer behavior — all in real-time.

  • Engagement: Data Extensions Query Support for Intelligence Reports Advanced 

    Before we dive right in, as a reminder, Intelligence Reports Advanced (formerly known as Datorama Reports Advanced) is a premium upgrade for Marketing Cloud Engagement (SFMC). It’s an included analytics tool for analyzing and optimizing email, mobile and Journey Builder messaging.

    With Intelligence Reports Advanced, you can create your own dashboards, dimensions, and measurements, query high volume and granular data with a Codeless Query Builder, and start your cross-channel analytics journey. You have access to ready-made apps for connecting email to the web, advertising studio first-party audiences to performance data and more.

    Now to the latest enhancements. In a nutshell, users who have Intelligence Reports Advanced will be able to add Data Extensions and query them with Engagement Data (Opens, clicks,  bounce, unsubs, etc).

  • Key benefits include: 

    • Enrich Engagement Data with Data Extensions: by easily querying your data extensions alongside email and mobile push engagement you’re able to add additional context and optimize messages based on performance by audience attributes from your data extensions
    • Optimize future messaging based on performance by audience attributes: Perform codeless queries to uncover optimization opportunities per any audience attribute stored in a Data Extension.
      • Use Case: You have a data extension of subscriber IDs and an audience attribute indicating that they’re part of your brand’s loyalty program. Now, you can join this data and then run queries to compare performance for subscribers in that loyalty program, versus customers not in that loyalty program. Once your data connections are connected, querying them is easy.
    • Query Data Extensions to validate and explore their data: Understand the structure and rows of your Data Extensions with standalone querying.
    • Intelligence: Database Exports

      Users can now easily export clean and harmonized marketing data into your enterprise database, specifically for Snowflake and Postgres, and in turn unlock more value in your enterprise data strategy while creating an audit-proof system of data for managing exports.

      To break this down a bit more, your marketing data no longer needs to live in a silo. It can be made available to your Business Intelligence group to make insights accessible across the org in a manner that addresses concerns such as data integrity and auditing.

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