Virtual technology has made its way to almost every aspect of an organization. Cloud computing is part of this virtual technology process that has made itself integral to every part of the industry. Community cloud serves as an infrastructure that enables individuals and organizations to collaborate with similar computing concerns in areas of performance, audit and regulatory issues.

Purpose of Community Cloud

The main purpose of Community Cloud is to let multiple customers work jointly on projects and uses that are common to the community that uses them. It helps and facilitates projects on a centralized and common cloud infrastructure. Community cloud computing is a disseminated infrastructure that solves specific issues in organizations by integrating services that are provided by independent cloud solutions.

Most communities involved in these kinds of projects like a business, research organizations and tenders focus on common issues in their cloud interactions. The shared interests focus on the goals of the project, security and compliance issues.

With the help of community cloud computing, organizations and businesses can identify and analyse the business demands a lot better. Community cloud can be hosted in a data centre which is owned by a tenant or a third-party cloud services provider. It can be either off-site or on-site.


Advantages of community cloud make it very conducive to organizations that need to work on shared projects with common goals. A few advantages are:


It is cost-effective as it used and shared between several organizations and the community.

Scalable and flexible

A community cloud is compatible with every user and is flexible and scalable. It lets users modify the documents according to their needs and requirement.

Security and Compliance

A community cloud is less secure than a private cloud but more secure than a public cloud. Users can configure various levels of security for their data.

Sharing infrastructure

Community cloud lets users share infrastructure, resources and other aspects within various organizations. Community clouds are open systems that remove the dependency organizations have on cloud service providers. With shared infrastructure, organizations can avoid the advantages and disadvantages of private and public clouds.

Less work for the IT department

With data, systems and application in the cloud means managing them singularly. This reduces the need for tenants to employ extra resources to manage the systems. Even if the cloud is managed by itself, the participating organizations can divide the work amongst themselves.

Reduces carbon footprint and fosters environment sustainability
Organizations use a single platform for all their needs by using the community cloud. This reduces the dependency on investing and relying on separate cloud facilities. This brings a symbiotic relationship between widening and reducing the use of cloud among clients. With the reduction of using separate clouds by different organizations, resources are managed efficiently. This in turn reduces carbon footprint and creates a sustainable environment.


With all its advantages, there are disadvantages to using a community cloud too.

Not customised to all organization

Community cloud may not be a good choice for all organizations, especially because of confidentiality issues.

Adapting to data

Community cloud adapts to data very slowly, making it a time-consuming process

Limited amount of storage

With a fixed and limited amount of data storage and bandwidth, it becomes difficult for many organizations to use it.

Security Considerations

With multiple organizations accessing and controlling the infrastructure in a Community Cloud, it requires specialized security configurations.


Community clouds promise to allow multiple independent entities to gain cost benefits of a shared cloud that is not public. It avoids any security and regulatory concerns associated with a public cloud. It is a model with tremendous potential for companies, organizations and entities are under the purview of compliance, legal and regulatory restrictions. Many organizations in the United States and European clouds are considered clouds, particularly for governmental departments.

Jigsaw Academy’s Postgraduate Certificate Program In Cloud Computing brings Cloud aspirants closer to their dream jobs. The joint-certification course is 6 months long and is conducted online and will help you become a complete Cloud Professional.

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